


Moddizzosu is made with semolina flour, water, salt, and yeast. The dough is allowed to rise before being shaped into a large round loaf and baked. Moddizzosu is a popular bread in Sardinia and is often served at breakfast or as a snack.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Moddizzosu has been a part of Sardinian cuisine for centuries. It is believed to have originated in the central regions of Sardinia and was traditionally made by women in the community. Today, it is still a popular bread in Sardinia and is often made by professional bakers.

Dietary considerations

Moddizzosu is not suitable for those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.


There are many variations of Moddizzosu, with different regions and families having their own unique recipes. Some recipes call for the addition of herbs, cheese, or other ingredients to the dough.

Presentation and garnishing

Moddizzosu is often presented in a basket or on a platter. It can be garnished with herbs or served with butter or other spreads.

Tips & Tricks

To make Moddizzosu extra sour, add a small amount of sourdough starter to the dough. This will also give it a more complex flavor.


Moddizzosu is often served with cheese or meat. It can also be served as a side dish with soups or stews.

Drink pairings

Moddizzosu pairs well with Sardinian wines and beer.