Montreal-Style Bagel


Montreal-Style Bagel

Montreal-style bagel is a unique and delicious type of bagel that is a staple of Montreal cuisine. The bagel is smaller and denser than a traditional New York-style bagel, and is often sweeter and less chewy. The bagel is typically boiled in honey-sweetened water before being baked in a wood-fired oven, which gives it a crispy crust and a soft, chewy interior. The bagel is often served with cream cheese or other toppings, and is a popular breakfast food in Montreal.

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Origins and history

Montreal-style bagel originated in Montreal, Canada, in the early 20th century. It was brought to Montreal by Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe and quickly became a popular food in the city. Today, many bakeries in Montreal specialize in Montreal-style bagels, each with their own unique twist on the recipe.

Dietary considerations

Montreal-style bagel may contain gluten, which may not be suitable for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. It is otherwise a vegetarian dish.


There are many variations of Montreal-style bagel, with different toppings and fillings. Some popular toppings include cream cheese, smoked salmon, and capers. Some bakeries also offer sweet versions of the bagel, which are filled with ingredients such as chocolate chips and raisins.

Presentation and garnishing

To ensure that the bagel is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, it is important to boil it in honey-sweetened water before baking it in a wood-fired oven. Additionally, fresh ingredients should be used to ensure that the bagel is flavorful and delicious. Montreal-style bagel is typically served on a plate or in a basket, with the toppings arranged on top of the bagel. The bagel can be sliced in half or served whole, depending on the presentation.


Montreal-style bagel is often served with other traditional Montreal dishes such as smoked meat, poutine, and maple syrup. It pairs well with a variety of drinks, including coffee, tea, and orange juice.

Drink pairings

Montreal-style bagel pairs well with coffee, tea, and orange juice.