


Presnac is a sweet pastry that is soft and chewy. It is made from a sweet dough that is filled with a mixture of cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, and raisins. Presnac is a popular food in the Primorska region of Slovenia and is often served during festivals and celebrations. The pastry is usually baked until golden brown and has a slightly crispy exterior with a soft and sweet interior.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Presnac originated in the Primorska region of Slovenia and is a traditional pastry that has been enjoyed for generations. It is believed to have been introduced to the region by Italian immigrants. Presnac is often served as a dessert and is a popular food during festivals and celebrations. The pastry has a rich history and is an important part of Slovenian culinary heritage.

Dietary considerations

Presnac contains dairy and eggs and is not suitable for people with allergies to these ingredients. It is also high in calories and should be consumed in moderation.


There are many variations of Presnac, including savory versions that are made with ingredients such as spinach and mushrooms. Some people also add nuts or other dried fruits to the filling. Presnac can also be made with different types of cheese, such as ricotta or feta. However, the traditional recipe calls for cottage cheese.

Presentation and garnishing

To make the perfect Presnac, make sure the dough is well-kneaded and has enough time to rise. The filling should be evenly distributed and not too thick. It is important to let the pastry cool before serving. Presnac can be presented on a platter with a dusting of powdered sugar on top. It can be garnished with fresh fruit or nuts. Presnac can also be served in individual portions.

Tips & Tricks

Presnac is a delicate pastry and can be difficult to make. It is important to follow the recipe closely and to use high-quality ingredients. When rolling out the dough, make sure to dust the surface with flour to prevent sticking. If the pastry is browning too quickly, cover it with foil to prevent burning. Enjoy Presnac warm or at room temperature for the best flavor.


Presnac is often served with a sweet dessert wine or a cup of coffee. It can also be served with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Drink pairings

Presnac pairs well with sweet dessert wines such as Muscat or Tokaji. It can also be enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea.