Salată de boeuf


Salată de boeuf

Beef Salad

Salată de boeuf is typically made with boiled potatoes, carrots, and peas, along with boiled beef or chicken. The vegetables and meat are diced and mixed with mayonnaise, and sometimes other ingredients such as pickles, boiled eggs, or canned corn. The salad is then chilled before serving. It is a popular dish for holidays and special occasions in Romania.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Salată de boeuf originated in Russia in the 19th century, and was brought to Romania by Russian immigrants. It quickly became a popular dish in Romania, and is now a staple of Romanian cuisine. It is often served at Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations.

Dietary considerations

Salată de boeuf is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans, as it contains meat and mayonnaise. It is also high in calories and fat due to the mayonnaise.


There are many variations of salată de boeuf, with different ingredients and proportions. Some recipes include boiled carrots, peas, potatoes, and green beans, while others add pickles, boiled eggs, or canned corn. Some versions also use chicken instead of beef.

Presentation and garnishing

Salată de boeuf is typically served in a bowl or on a platter, garnished with parsley or other herbs. Some recipes also include sliced olives or cherry tomatoes for added color and flavor.

Tips & Tricks

To make salată de boeuf, be sure to boil the vegetables and meat until they are tender but not mushy. It is important to chill the salad before serving to allow the flavors to meld together. You can also experiment with different ingredients and proportions to create your own unique version of this classic dish.


Salată de boeuf is often served as a side dish with meat dishes, such as grilled chicken or steak. It can also be served as a main dish, accompanied by bread or crackers.

Drink pairings

Salată de boeuf pairs well with light, refreshing drinks such as white wine or beer. It is also commonly served with vodka in Russia.