Asian-inspired Spaghetti with a Twist


Asian-inspired Spaghetti with a Twist

Savory Fusion: Asian-inspired Spaghetti with a Twist

Indulge in a delightful fusion of flavors with this Asian-inspired twist on the classic Filipino spaghetti. This recipe combines the comforting elements of Filipino cuisine with the vibrant and aromatic spices of Asian cooking, resulting in a unique and mouthwatering dish.

Jan Dec

20 minutes

20 minutes

40 minutes

4 servings


Omnivore, Asian-inspired, Pasta lovers, Family-friendly, Weeknight dinner

Wheat (spaghetti noodles), Soy (soy sauce), Shellfish (oyster sauce)

Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Low-carb


This Asian-inspired spaghetti differs from the original Filipino spaghetti in terms of flavor profile and ingredients. While the original Filipino spaghetti is known for its sweet and meaty sauce, this adaptation incorporates Asian flavors such as soy sauce, oyster sauce, and hoisin sauce, giving it a more savory and umami taste. Additionally, the use of garlic, ginger, and chili adds a subtle heat and depth of flavor to the dish. We alse have the original recipe for Filipino Spaghetti, so you can check it out.


  • Calories (kcal / KJ): 450 kcal / 1884 KJ
  • Fat (total, saturated): 20g, 7g
  • Carbohydrates (total, sugars): 45g, 6g
  • Protein: 22g
  • Fiber: 3g
  • Salt: 2g


  1. 1.
    Cook the spaghetti noodles according to package instructions until al dente. Drain and set aside.
  2. 2.
    In a large pan, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and chopped onion, and sauté until fragrant and translucent.
  3. 3.
    Add the ground pork and ground beef to the pan, breaking it up with a spoon. Cook until browned and cooked through.
  4. 4.
    In a small bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, brown sugar, grated ginger, and chili flakes.
  5. 5.
    Pour the sauce mixture into the pan with the cooked meat. Stir well to combine and let it simmer for a few minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.
  6. 6.
    Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  7. 7.
    Add the cooked spaghetti noodles to the pan and toss until they are well coated with the sauce.
  8. 8.
    Remove from heat and garnish with fresh cilantro and chopped green onions.
  9. 9.
    Serve hot and enjoy!

Treat your ingredients with care...

  • Soy sauce — Use low-sodium soy sauce if you prefer to control the saltiness of the dish.
  • Oyster sauce — Look for vegetarian oyster sauce if you want to make this dish suitable for vegetarians.
  • Hoisin sauce — Opt for a gluten-free hoisin sauce if you have gluten sensitivities.
  • Chili flakes — Adjust the amount of chili flakes according to your spice preference.
  • Fresh cilantro — If you're not a fan of cilantro, you can substitute it with fresh basil or parsley for a different herbaceous flavor.

Tips & Tricks

  • For a healthier option, you can use whole wheat spaghetti noodles.
  • Customize the level of spiciness by adjusting the amount of chili flakes or adding fresh chopped chili peppers.
  • Add a splash of lime juice for a tangy twist.
  • Serve with a side of Asian pickles or kimchi for added flavor and crunch.
  • Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days and make a delicious next-day lunch.

Serving advice

Serve the Asian-inspired spaghetti hot, garnished with fresh cilantro and chopped green onions. Accompany it with a side of garlic bread or a simple green salad for a complete meal.

Presentation advice

To enhance the presentation, twirl the spaghetti noodles onto individual plates using tongs or a pasta fork. Place a generous amount of the meat sauce on top and sprinkle with fresh cilantro and green onions. Serve with a side of garlic bread and garnish with a lime wedge for an extra touch of color.