Omani-style Stuffed Grape Leaves


Omani-style Stuffed Grape Leaves

Savory Delights: Omani-inspired Stuffed Grape Leaves

Indulge in the flavors of Oman with this delectable recipe for Omani-style Stuffed Grape Leaves. Bursting with aromatic spices and tender rice, these grape leaves are a delightful blend of traditional Omani cuisine and the classic Azerbaijani dish.

Jan Dec

30 minutes

1 hour

1 hour and 30 minutes

4 servings


Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Nut-free, Low-carb, Mediterranean diet


Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Keto, High-protein diet


While the original Azerbaijani Yarpaq dolması uses a combination of lamb and beef, the Omani-style Stuffed Grape Leaves recipe incorporates ground beef as the main protein. Additionally, the Omani version includes a unique blend of spices such as turmeric, cumin, and cardamom, which infuse the dish with a distinct Omani flavor profile. The use of local ingredients and spices gives this adaptation a delightful twist that reflects the culinary traditions of Oman. We alse have the original recipe for Yarpaq dolması, so you can check it out.


  • Calories (kcal / KJ): 320 kcal / 1340 KJ
  • Fat (total, saturated): 15g, 4g
  • Carbohydrates (total, sugars): 32g, 2g
  • Protein: 15g
  • Fiber: 3g
  • Salt: 0.8g


  1. 1.
    In a large bowl, combine the rice, ground beef, onion, garlic, turmeric, cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper, parsley, mint, olive oil, lemon juice, and salt. Mix well until all the ingredients are evenly incorporated.
  2. 2.
    Place a grape leaf on a clean surface, shiny side down. Spoon about a tablespoon of the rice and meat mixture onto the center of the leaf.
  3. 3.
    Fold the bottom of the leaf over the filling, then fold in the sides, and roll tightly to form a neat cylinder. Repeat with the remaining grape leaves and filling.
  4. 4.
    Place the stuffed grape leaves in a large pot, seam side down, in a single layer. Pour the water over the grape leaves.
  5. 5.
    Cover the pot and cook over low heat for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the rice is cooked and the grape leaves are tender.
  6. 6.
    Once cooked, remove from heat and let the stuffed grape leaves cool slightly before serving. They can be enjoyed warm or at room temperature.

Treat your ingredients with care...

  • Grape leaves — If using fresh grape leaves, blanch them in boiling water for a few seconds to soften them before stuffing. If using canned grape leaves, rinse off excess brine to reduce saltiness.

Tips & Tricks

  • To prevent the stuffed grape leaves from unraveling during cooking, place a heavy plate or lid on top of them while simmering.
  • Serve the Omani-style Stuffed Grape Leaves with a dollop of yogurt or a squeeze of lemon juice for added freshness.
  • If you prefer a vegetarian version, you can substitute the ground beef with cooked lentils or chickpeas.

Serving advice

Serve the Omani-style Stuffed Grape Leaves as an appetizer or as a main course accompanied by a fresh salad and some warm Arabic bread.

Presentation advice

Arrange the stuffed grape leaves on a platter, garnished with a sprinkle of chopped parsley and a drizzle of olive oil. The vibrant green color of the grape leaves will make for an eye-catching presentation.