Bò kho


Bò kho

Bò kho is made with beef, carrots, onions, and a variety of spices such as star anise, cinnamon, and lemongrass. The beef is first seared in a pan before being simmered in a broth made with beef stock, tomato paste, and fish sauce. The dish is typically served with bread or rice noodles and is perfect for a comforting and satisfying meal.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Bò kho is believed to have originated from the French dish boeuf bourguignon, which was introduced to Vietnam during the French colonial period. The dish has since evolved to include local ingredients and flavors, making it a unique Vietnamese dish.

Dietary considerations

Bò kho is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans as it contains meat. It is also not recommended for those with high blood pressure or heart disease due to its high sodium content.


There are many variations of bò kho depending on the region and the cook. Some variations include using different types of meat, adding potatoes or daikon radish to the stew, or using coconut milk instead of beef stock.

Presentation and garnishing

Bò kho can be presented in a large serving dish with the beef and vegetables arranged neatly in the broth. Garnish with chopped cilantro or scallions for added color and flavor.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dish even more flavorful, marinate the beef overnight in the refrigerator. Use a pressure cooker to cook the beef faster and make it more tender.


Bò kho is typically served with bread or rice noodles, but it can also be paired with steamed rice. A side salad or pickled vegetables can also be served to balance out the richness of the dish.

Drink pairings

Bò kho pairs well with red wine or beer. A cold glass of soda or iced tea can also be refreshing.