Brioche col tuppo


Brioche col tuppo

Brioche col tuppo is made with flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and yeast. The dough is mixed and then left to rise before being shaped into small buns with a distinctive 'tuppo' or knot on top. The buns are then baked until golden brown and served warm. This bread is best enjoyed fresh out of the oven, but can also be toasted or reheated in the oven.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Brioche col tuppo originated in Sicily and is a popular breakfast food throughout Italy. It is believed to have been introduced to Sicily by the French during their occupation of the island in the 18th century.

Dietary considerations

Contains gluten, dairy, and eggs.


Variations of brioche col tuppo include adding raisins or candied fruit to the dough, or topping the buns with powdered sugar or a glaze.

Presentation and garnishing

Brioche col tuppo can be presented on a platter or in a basket lined with a cloth napkin. It can be garnished with powdered sugar or a drizzle of glaze.

Tips & Tricks

To keep brioche col tuppo fresh, store it in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. To reheat, wrap the buns in foil and warm in a 350°F oven for 10-15 minutes.


Brioche col tuppo is typically enjoyed on its own as a breakfast or snack food.

Drink pairings

Brioche col tuppo can be enjoyed with a cappuccino or espresso for breakfast. It can also be enjoyed with a glass of milk or hot chocolate.