Egg Waffle


Egg Waffle

Egg Waffle is a unique and delicious dessert that is made by pouring a batter of eggs, flour, and sugar into a special waffle iron. The waffle iron creates a distinctive bubble pattern that gives the waffle its signature texture. The waffle is typically served hot and crispy, and may be topped with ice cream, fruit, or other sweet toppings.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Egg Waffle originated in Hong Kong in the 1950s, and has since become a popular street food in many countries around the world. It is often sold from food trucks and stalls at festivals and events.

Dietary considerations

Egg Waffle is generally high in sugar and calories, and may not be suitable for those with dietary restrictions or health concerns. It is best enjoyed in moderation as a treat.


There are many variations of Egg Waffle, with different toppings and fillings. Some popular variations include adding chocolate chips, nuts, or whipped cream to the waffle. Others may use different types of batter or cooking methods.

Presentation and garnishing

Egg Waffle is typically presented on a paper or plastic plate, with the toppings visible on top. Garnishing with powdered sugar or fresh fruit can add a decorative touch.

Tips & Tricks

To make this dish at home, you will need a special waffle iron that creates the distinctive bubble pattern. It is important to not overfill the waffle iron with batter, as this can cause the waffle to stick or not cook evenly. Experimenting with different toppings and fillings can help you create your own unique version of Egg Waffle.


Egg Waffle is often served as a dessert or snack, and may be accompanied by a hot beverage such as tea or coffee.

Drink pairings

Egg Waffle goes well with hot beverages such as tea or coffee. It can also be paired with cold drinks such as milkshakes or smoothies.