Hamburger Aalsuppe


Hamburger Aalsuppe

Hamburger Aalsuppe is made by simmering eel, vegetables, and seasonings in a broth made from water or fish stock. The soup is typically thickened with a roux made from flour and oil, and then finished with a sprinkle of parsley or chives. The eel used in the soup is typically caught from the Elbe River, which runs through the city of Hamburg. The soup is often served with a side of bread or crackers, and is a hearty and satisfying meal that is perfect for cold winter days.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Hamburger Aalsuppe has been a staple of northern German cuisine for centuries, and is believed to have originated in the city of Hamburg. The soup is typically made with eel, which is abundant in the Elbe River, and is often served as a main course during the winter months. The soup is also popular in other parts of Germany, and is often served at weddings and other special occasions.

Dietary considerations

Hamburger Aalsuppe is a high-protein dish that is low in fat and calories. However, the soup does contain a significant amount of sodium, so it may not be suitable for individuals on a low-sodium diet. Additionally, the soup contains eel, which may not be suitable for individuals with fish allergies or sensitivities.


There are many variations of Hamburger Aalsuppe, with different regions and families having their own unique recipes. Some variations include the addition of potatoes, carrots, or other vegetables, while others use different types of fish or seasonings. Some recipes also call for the addition of rice or noodles to make the soup more filling.

Presentation and garnishing

Hamburger Aalsuppe is typically served in a large bowl, with the eel and vegetables arranged on top of the broth. The soup is often garnished with a sprinkle of parsley or chives, which adds a pop of color and flavor to the dish. To make the soup more visually appealing, some people like to arrange the eel and vegetables in a decorative pattern on top of the broth.

Tips & Tricks

To make the soup more flavorful, try adding a dash of bacon or onions to the broth. This will give the soup a rich and savory flavor that is characteristic of Hamburger Aalsuppe. Additionally, you can experiment with different types of fish and vegetables to create your own unique version of the soup. Finally, be sure to use fresh ingredients whenever possible, as this will ensure that the soup has the best possible flavor.


Hamburger Aalsuppe is typically served with a side of bread or crackers, which are used to soak up the flavorful broth. Some people also like to serve the soup with a sprinkle of parsley or chives on top. Other popular side dishes include pickled vegetables or a simple salad.

Drink pairings

Hamburger Aalsuppe pairs well with a variety of drinks, including beer, white wine, or even a shot of traditional German schnapps. The rich and savory flavor of the soup complements the crispness of the wine or the bitterness of the beer, while the schnapps provides a warming finish to the meal.