Kamaage udon


Kamaage udon

Thick Hot Udon Noodles

Kamaage udon is a noodle dish that is known for its simplicity and purity of flavor. The dish is made with thick and chewy udon noodles, which are boiled and then served hot in a bamboo basket. The noodles are typically served with a side of dipping sauce, which is made with soy sauce, mirin, and dashi. The result is a simple and satisfying dish that is perfect for any occasion.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Kamaage udon is a traditional Japanese dish that has been enjoyed for generations. It is believed to have originated in the Kansai region of the country, where it is still a popular dish today. The dish is often served during special occasions, such as New Year's Day or other festivals.

Dietary considerations

Kamaage udon is a gluten-free dish that is suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. It is also a good source of protein and fiber, making it a healthy choice for anyone looking to maintain a balanced diet.


There are many variations of Kamaage udon, depending on the region and the cook. Some versions of the dish may include additional toppings, such as sliced beef or chicken, while others may use different types of noodles, such as soba or ramen. Some cooks may also add additional vegetables, such as mushrooms or spinach, to the dipping sauce.

Presentation and garnishing

Kamaage udon is typically served in a bamboo basket, with the noodles arranged neatly inside. The dipping sauce is served in a small bowl on the side. The presentation of the dish is important, as it helps to showcase the simplicity and purity of the flavors.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect Kamaage udon, it is important to use high-quality ingredients, including fresh herbs and vegetables. The noodles should be cooked until they are tender but still slightly firm, and the dipping sauce should be made with high-quality soy sauce, mirin, and dashi. When serving the dish, be sure to arrange the ingredients in an attractive and appetizing manner, and garnish with plenty of fresh herbs and vegetables.


Kamaage udon is typically served as a main dish, but it can also be accompanied by a variety of side dishes, such as pickled vegetables or tempura. These dishes help to balance out the flavors of the soup and provide additional texture and crunch.

Drink pairings

Kamaage udon pairs well with a variety of drinks, including beer, sake, or a light white wine. The dish's simplicity and purity of flavor make it a versatile pairing for a variety of drinks.