Katmis supi


Katmis supi

Chicken soup with cream

Katmis supi is a rich and flavorful soup that is perfect for cold winter days. The soup is made with walnuts, beets, and other vegetables, and is flavored with spices such as coriander and fenugreek. The soup is typically served with bread or cornmeal mush, and garnished with fresh herbs such as cilantro and parsley.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Katmis supi has been a popular dish in Georgia for centuries, and is often served during the winter months when fresh vegetables are in season. It is also a popular dish during Lent, when many people abstain from meat.

Dietary considerations

Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan


There are many variations of Katmis supi, with different vegetables and spices used depending on the region and the cook's personal preferences. Some common ingredients include spinach, leeks, and dill.

Presentation and garnishing

The soup is typically served in a large bowl, with the vegetables and broth, and garnished with fresh herbs such as cilantro and parsley. The bread or cornmeal mush is served on the side, and can be used to soak up the flavorful broth.

Tips & Tricks

To get the most flavor out of the walnuts, it is important to toast them in a dry pan before adding them to the soup. This will help enhance their flavor and texture.


Bread, cornmeal mush

Drink pairings

Georgian wine, vodka