


Chimney cake

Kürtőskalács is made from a yeast-based dough that is mixed with flour, sugar, and eggs. The dough is then wrapped around a wooden cylinder and roasted over an open flame until crispy and golden brown. Once cooked, the pastry is dusted with sugar and cinnamon and served warm. Kürtőskalács is a popular snack in Hungary and is often eaten during festivals and celebrations.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Kürtőskalács has been a traditional Hungarian pastry for centuries. It is believed to have originated in Transylvania and was originally made with a filling of nuts or poppy seeds. Over time, the recipe evolved to include other types of fillings and flavors. Today, Kürtőskalács is a popular snack in Hungary and is often eaten during festivals and celebrations.

Dietary considerations

Kürtőskalács is suitable for vegetarians, but it is not suitable for those with gluten or nut allergies as it contains flour and may be dusted with nuts. It is also high in sugar and should be consumed in moderation.


There are many variations of Kürtőskalács, including ones that are filled with chocolate or flavored with different types of spices. Some recipes also call for the addition of nuts or dried fruit.

Presentation and garnishing

Kürtőskalács is traditionally dusted with sugar and cinnamon, but it can also be garnished with chopped nuts or dried fruit. It is often served on a small plate or in a decorative box.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect Kürtőskalács, be sure to wrap the dough tightly around the wooden cylinder to ensure that it cooks evenly. Also, be sure to rotate the cylinder over the flame to ensure that the pastry is cooked evenly on all sides.


Kürtőskalács is typically served on its own, but it can also be served with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream. It pairs well with a hot cup of coffee or tea.

Drink pairings

Kürtőskalács pairs well with hot beverages such as coffee or tea.