Langley Wakes Cakes


Langley Wakes Cakes

Langley Wakes Cakes are made with flour, sugar, butter, and milk. The dough is rolled out and cut into small circles. It is then baked until golden brown. Langley Wakes Cakes are often served with jam and clotted cream.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Langley Wakes Cakes have been a traditional English cake for centuries. They are believed to have originated in the town of Langley in the 17th century. Today, they are a popular breakfast or brunch item in England.

Dietary considerations

Not suitable for those with gluten or dairy allergies. May contain nuts or chocolate chips depending on the recipe.


There are many variations of Langley Wakes Cakes, including some that are made with dried fruit or flavored with cinnamon.

Presentation and garnishing

Langley Wakes Cakes are traditionally served on a decorative plate or platter. They can be garnished with a dusting of powdered sugar or a dollop of whipped cream.

Tips & Tricks

To achieve the perfect texture, be sure to handle the dough gently and not overwork it. Also, be careful not to overbake the cakes as they can quickly become dry.


Traditionally served with jam and clotted cream. Can also be served with a cup of tea or coffee.

Drink pairings

Langley Wakes Cakes go well with tea or coffee.