Luccio alla gardesana


Luccio alla gardesana

Pike in Garda Lake style

Luccio alla gardesana is made by cooking pike fish in a mixture of white wine, garlic, and a variety of herbs and spices, including rosemary, thyme, and bay leaves. The dish is typically served with polenta, which is a type of cornmeal porridge. The combination of the tender fish and the creamy polenta makes for a delicious and hearty meal.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Luccio alla gardesana has its roots in the Lombardy region of Italy, where it was originally made with pike fish from Lake Garda. Today, the dish is made with a variety of fish, including pike, perch, and trout. The dish is a popular dish in the region and is often served at local restaurants and trattorias.

Dietary considerations

Luccio alla gardesana is a gluten-free and dairy-free dish that is suitable for those with these dietary restrictions. However, the dish does contain fish and may not be suitable for those with seafood allergies.


There are many variations of Luccio alla gardesana, with different chefs and restaurants having their own unique take on the dish. Some variations include using different types of fish and adding additional herbs and spices to the dish.

Presentation and garnishing

Luccio alla gardesana is typically served on a plate with the polenta on the side. Garnish with fresh herbs, such as parsley or basil, for added flavor.

Tips & Tricks

When cooking the fish, be sure to not overcook it as it can become tough and dry. Additionally, be sure to adjust the amount of herbs and spices in the dish to your personal taste.


Polenta is a traditional side dish for Luccio alla gardesana. Other side dishes that pair well with the dish include roasted vegetables and a green salad.

Drink pairings

A light and refreshing beer, such as a pilsner or lager, pairs well with the flavors of the dish. A crisp white wine, such as a pinot grigio or chardonnay, also pairs well with the dish.