Musk Stick


Musk Stick

Musk sticks are a sweet and fragrant candy that are popular in Australia and New Zealand. They are made by mixing sugar, gelatin, and musk oil, which gives them their distinctive flavor and aroma. Musk sticks are gluten-free and dairy-free, making them a good option for people with dietary restrictions. However, they are high in sugar and should be consumed in moderation.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Musk sticks were first introduced in Australia in the early 1900s. They were originally made by hand, but are now mass-produced by candy companies. Musk sticks are often sold in bulk and are a popular treat at parties and events.

Dietary considerations

Gluten-free, dairy-free, high in sugar


There are no known variations of musk sticks, as the flavor is very specific. However, some candy companies may add additional flavors or colors to their musk sticks. Musk sticks are often served as a standalone candy, but can also be used as a garnish for desserts or drinks.

Presentation and garnishing

Musk sticks are typically served in a clear plastic bag or container. They can also be used as a garnish for desserts or drinks.

Tips & Tricks

Musk oil is derived from the musk deer, which is an endangered species. Some candy companies use synthetic musk oil instead of natural musk oil to avoid contributing to the endangerment of the musk deer.

Drink pairings

Tea, lemonade