


Ajdnek is a hearty dish that is perfect for cold winter days. The dish is made by boiling potatoes and then mashing them with flour to form a dough. The dough is then rolled out and cut into small pieces, which are boiled in salted water. The cooked pieces are then served with a variety of toppings, such as bacon, sour cream, or sautéed onions. Ajdnek is a filling and satisfying dish that is perfect for a family dinner or a cozy night in.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Ajdnek has been a staple of Slovenian cuisine for centuries. The dish originated in the mountainous regions of Slovenia, where potatoes and flour were readily available. Today, Ajdnek is enjoyed throughout the country and is often served during festivals and celebrations.

Dietary considerations

Vegetarian, gluten-free options available


There are many variations of Ajdnek, with different regions and families having their own unique recipes. Some variations include adding cheese or herbs to the dough, or using different toppings such as mushrooms or ham.

Presentation and garnishing

Ajdnek is traditionally served on a large platter, with the toppings arranged in a decorative pattern. A sprinkle of fresh herbs or a drizzle of olive oil can add a pop of color and flavor to the dish.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dough for Ajdnek, be sure to use flour that has a high gluten content. This will help the dough to hold together and prevent it from falling apart during cooking.


Ajdnek is often served with a side of sauerkraut or pickled vegetables, which help to cut through the richness of the dish. A simple green salad is also a great accompaniment.

Drink pairings

Ajdnek pairs well with a variety of drinks, including beer, red wine, or a hot cup of tea.