New Jersey Blueberry Muffins


New Jersey Blueberry Muffins

To make New Jersey Blueberry Muffins, fresh blueberries are mixed into a batter made from flour, sugar, eggs, and butter. The batter is then spooned into muffin cups and baked until golden brown. The muffins have a sweet, buttery flavor and a tender, moist texture.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

New Jersey Blueberry Muffins are a classic American breakfast pastry that is popular in the state of New Jersey, which is known for its blueberry farms.

Dietary considerations

New Jersey Blueberry Muffins are vegetarian and can be made vegan by using a plant-based butter substitute. They are also nut-free.


There are many variations of blueberry muffins, including different types of flour and sweeteners. Some recipes also call for the addition of lemon zest or cinnamon to give the muffins a more complex flavor.

Presentation and garnishing

New Jersey Blueberry Muffins are typically presented in a muffin tin or on a plate. They are often garnished with a sprinkle of powdered sugar or a few fresh blueberries.

Tips & Tricks

To make New Jersey Blueberry Muffins, it is important to use fresh, ripe blueberries and high-quality butter. The batter should be mixed until just combined to ensure that the muffins are tender and moist. It is also important to not overbake the muffins to prevent them from becoming dry.


New Jersey Blueberry Muffins are often served with a pat of butter or a drizzle of honey. They can also be topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar or a dollop of whipped cream.

Drink pairings

New Jersey Blueberry Muffins pair well with a cup of coffee or a glass of cold milk.