Nonina kanavaca


Nonina kanavaca

The dish is made by boiling taro leaves until tender and then mixing them with coconut milk, onions, garlic, and chili. The mixture is then wrapped in banana leaves and steamed until cooked through. Nonina kanavaca is often served with rice or cassava.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Nonina kanavaca is a traditional Fijian dish that has been eaten for centuries. It is often served at special occasions such as weddings and festivals.

Dietary considerations

Nonina kanavaca is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It is also gluten-free and dairy-free.


There are many variations of nonina kanavaca, including versions that include meat or fish. Some versions also include other vegetables such as pumpkin or eggplant.

Presentation and garnishing

Nonina kanavaca is typically presented wrapped in banana leaves. It can be garnished with a sprig of coriander or a slice of lime.

Tips & Tricks

When making nonina kanavaca, it is important to ensure that the taro leaves are cooked until tender to prevent them from being tough and chewy. It is also important to wrap the mixture tightly in banana leaves to prevent it from falling apart during steaming.


Nonina kanavaca is often served with rice or cassava. It can also be eaten on its own as a main dish.

Drink pairings

Nonina kanavaca is traditionally paired with a glass of coconut water or a cold beer.