Pa amb oli


Pa amb oli

To make this dish, simply toast a slice of bread and drizzle it with olive oil. Top with your choice of toppings, such as sliced tomatoes, cured ham, or cheese. This dish is high in healthy fats and fiber, making it a great option for those following a Mediterranean diet.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Pa amb oli has been a staple in Spanish cuisine for centuries, with variations found throughout the country. It is believed to have originated in the Balearic Islands.

Dietary considerations

Gluten-free options available


Variations of this dish may include the addition of garlic, herbs, or vinegar to the olive oil. Some recipes also call for the bread to be rubbed with a clove of garlic before adding the toppings.

Presentation and garnishing

To add a pop of color and flavor, garnish with a sprinkle of chopped herbs or a slice of lemon.

Tips & Tricks

For a twist on the classic dish, try using different types of bread, such as sourdough or rye.


This dish pairs well with a variety of side dishes, including olives, pickles, or a simple green salad.

Drink pairings

Pair this dish with a glass of red wine, such as Tempranillo or Rioja.