Polpete u šalši


Polpete u šalši

Meatballs in tomato sauce

Polpete u šalši is a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for a cozy night in. The meatballs are tender and juicy, and the tomato sauce is tangy and savory. The dish is typically served with a side of mashed potatoes or pasta, which helps to soak up the delicious sauce.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Polpete u šalši is a traditional Croatian dish that has been enjoyed for generations. It is believed to have originated in the coastal regions of Croatia, where tomatoes and meat were readily available. The dish has since become popular throughout the country and is now a staple in many Croatian households.

Dietary considerations

Gluten-free breadcrumbs can be used to make this dish gluten-free. The dish is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans due to the use of meat and eggs.


There are many variations of this dish, with some recipes calling for the addition of cheese or vegetables to the meatballs. Some recipes also use a different type of meat, such as pork or lamb, instead of beef.

Presentation and garnishing

Polpete u šalši can be presented in a rustic and homely way, with the meatballs and sauce served in a large, family-style dish. Garnish with fresh parsley or basil for a pop of color and flavor.

Tips & Tricks

To make the meatballs extra tender, soak the breadcrumbs in milk before adding them to the meat mixture. Be sure to cook the meatballs thoroughly to ensure they are safe to eat.


Mashed potatoes or pasta are the perfect side dishes for polpete u šalši. A simple green salad can also be served alongside the dish to add some freshness and crunch.

Drink pairings

A glass of red wine, such as a Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot, pairs well with this dish. For those who prefer beer, a dark ale or lager would also be a good choice.