Salade Rachel


Salade Rachel

Rachel Salad

Salade Rachel is made by arranging slices of smoked salmon on a bed of mixed greens, then topping it with sliced avocado and grapefruit segments. The salad is dressed with a vinaigrette made with Dijon mustard, honey, and olive oil. Salade Rachel is a popular dish in France and is often served as a starter or light lunch.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Salade Rachel is a modern French dish that was created in the 1990s by chef Jean-Pierre Xiradakis. It is named after his daughter, Rachel. The salad is a variation of the classic French dish, Salade Niçoise, which typically includes tuna, green beans, and potatoes.

Dietary considerations

Salade Rachel is not suitable for people with seafood allergies or sensitivities. It is also not suitable for vegetarians or vegans as it contains smoked salmon.


There are many variations of Salade Rachel, some of which include different types of seafood such as shrimp or crab. Some recipes also call for the addition of hard-boiled eggs or olives. Vegetarian versions of the salad can be made by omitting the seafood and adding tofu or tempeh.

Presentation and garnishing

Salade Rachel is typically served on a large plate or platter. It is garnished with fresh herbs such as parsley or chives. The salad should be served at room temperature.

Tips & Tricks

To make Salade Rachel even more flavorful, try adding some capers or chopped shallots to the vinaigrette. This will add a tangy and slightly sweet flavor to the dressing.


Salade Rachel is often served as a starter or light lunch. It pairs well with crusty bread and a glass of white wine such as Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc.

Drink pairings

Salade Rachel pairs well with white wines such as Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc. It can also be served with a light beer or cider.