Sánguche de potito


Sánguche de potito

Tripe sandwich

To make Sánguche de potito, start by boiling a beef tongue until it is tender. Once the tongue is cooked, slice it thinly and set it aside. Next, prepare your toppings. Sánguche de potito is typically served with sliced tomatoes, avocado, and mayonnaise. You can also add lettuce, onions, or other toppings as desired. To assemble the sandwich, start by spreading a generous amount of mayonnaise on a slice of bread. Add a layer of sliced beef tongue, followed by your toppings. Top with another slice of bread and serve immediately.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Sánguche de potito is a traditional Chilean dish that has been enjoyed for generations. It is believed to have originated in the early 20th century, when beef tongue was a popular ingredient in Chilean cuisine.

Dietary considerations

This dish is not suitable for vegetarians or those with beef allergies.


There are many variations of Sánguche de potito, including adding cheese or hot sauce to the sandwich. You can also experiment with different types of bread to create different flavors.

Presentation and garnishing

To make your Sánguche de potito look extra special, garnish it with a sprig of fresh cilantro or parsley.

Tips & Tricks

Be sure to slice your beef tongue thinly for the best texture in your sandwich.


Sánguche de potito pairs well with a side of French fries or a small salad.

Drink pairings

This dish pairs well with a cold beer or a glass of red wine, such as a Cabernet Sauvignon or Malbec.