Soko kecze


Soko kecze

Soko kecze is a hearty stew made with cassava leaves, peanut butter, and a variety of vegetables and meats. The dish is typically made with chicken or beef, but can also be made with fish or goat. The cassava leaves are boiled and then mashed with peanut butter to create a thick, creamy sauce. The meat and vegetables are then added to the sauce and simmered until tender. Soko kecze is a flavorful and filling dish that is often served with rice or fufu.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Soko kecze is a traditional dish from the Democratic Republic of Congo and is a staple in many households throughout the country.

Dietary considerations

Soko kecze is not suitable for those with peanut allergies or who follow a low-fat diet.


There are many variations of soko kecze, including soko ya mbika (cassava leaves with okra) and saka saka (cassava leaves with palm oil).

Presentation and garnishing

Soko kecze is typically served in a large bowl and garnished with chopped peanuts and cilantro.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dish extra creamy, add a tablespoon of coconut milk to the sauce before adding the meat and vegetables.


Soko kecze is often served with a side of rice or fufu.

Drink pairings

Soko kecze pairs well with a cold beer or a fruity red wine.