


Spaghettieis is made with vanilla ice cream that is pushed through a special press to create spaghetti-like strands. The ice cream is then topped with strawberry sauce and grated white chocolate to resemble tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese. Spaghettieis is a great dessert for a summer barbecue or a pool party.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Spaghettieis is a traditional German dessert that originated in the 1960s. It has been enjoyed by Germans for generations.

Dietary considerations

Not suitable for those with lactose intolerance as it contains ice cream. It may also contain nuts or gummy worms depending on the variation.


There are many variations of Spaghettieis, some of which include the use of different flavors of ice cream or the addition of different types of toppings. Some popular variations include adding chopped nuts or gummy worms for added texture.

Presentation and garnishing

To make Spaghettieis even more fun, try adding a sprinkle of chopped nuts or gummy worms to the dessert. It is typically served in a bowl or on a plate and is garnished with a sprig of mint or a slice of strawberry.

Tips & Tricks

Spaghettieis is best served immediately after preparation to prevent the ice cream from melting. It is also important to use a special press to create the spaghetti-like strands for the most authentic presentation.


Spaghettieis is typically served as a dessert and does not have any traditional side dishes. However, it can be served with a dollop of whipped cream or a sprinkle of cinnamon. It is also delicious with a glass of iced tea or lemonade.

Drink pairings

Spaghettieis is typically served as a dessert and does not have any traditional drink pairings. However, it is often enjoyed with a glass of iced tea or lemonade.