Su porceddu


Su porceddu

Roast suckling pig

Su porceddu is a dish that is typically served during special occasions such as weddings, holidays, and other celebrations. The dish is made by first preparing a whole suckling pig by removing the hair and cleaning the pig. The pig is then seasoned with salt and herbs such as rosemary and fennel before being roasted over an open fire for several hours. The result is a succulent and flavorful meat that is perfect for any occasion. The dish is typically served with roasted potatoes and vegetables, and is often accompanied by a glass of red wine.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Su porceddu is a traditional Sardinian dish that has been around for centuries. It originated in the region of Sardinia in Italy, and has since become a popular dish throughout Italy and the world. The dish is typically served during special occasions such as weddings, holidays, and other celebrations.

Dietary considerations

This dish is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans as it contains meat. It is also not suitable for those who are allergic to pork or any of the herbs and spices used in the dish.


There are many variations of Su porceddu, with different regions and families having their own unique recipes. Some variations include using different herbs and spices, or adding other ingredients such as lemon or orange zest. Some recipes also call for the use of a different type of meat such as lamb or beef.

Presentation and garnishing

Su porceddu is typically presented on a large platter with the roasted potatoes and vegetables arranged around it. The dish can be garnished with fresh herbs such as rosemary or thyme, and a sprinkle of sea salt. The presentation should be simple and elegant, allowing the dish to speak for itself.

Tips & Tricks

When making Su porceddu, it is important to use high-quality ingredients such as fresh herbs and a good quality pork. It is also important to allow the meat to rest for at least 10 minutes before carving to ensure that it is juicy and tender.


Roasted potatoes and vegetables are the perfect side dishes to accompany Su porceddu. The dish is also often served with a simple salad of mixed greens and a light vinaigrette dressing.

Drink pairings

A glass of red wine such as Cannonau or Carignano pairs perfectly with Su porceddu. The wine's acidity and tannins help to cut through the richness of the meat and enhance its flavor.