Tar halva


Tar halva

Tar halva is a popular dessert in Azerbaijan and Iran. It is made by mixing flour, butter, and sugar in a pan and cooking it until it turns golden brown. Then, tar syrup is added to the mixture and stirred until it thickens. The mixture is then poured into a greased dish and left to cool. Once cooled, it is cut into small pieces and served. Tar halva is a rich and sweet dessert that is perfect for special occasions.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Tar halva originated in Azerbaijan and is a popular dessert in the region. It is believed to have been created by nomadic tribes who used tar as a preservative for food. Over time, it became a popular dessert and is now enjoyed by people all over the world.

Dietary considerations

Tar halva contains gluten and dairy, so it is not suitable for people with celiac disease or lactose intolerance. It is also high in sugar and calories, so it should be consumed in moderation. It is not recommended for people with diabetes.


There are many variations of tar halva, including those that use different types of flour or sweeteners. Some recipes also call for the addition of nuts or dried fruits. However, the traditional recipe does not include any additional ingredients.

Presentation and garnishing

To make tar halva, it is important to cook the flour mixture until it turns golden brown. This gives the dessert its unique flavor and texture. It is also important to stir the mixture constantly to prevent it from burning. Finally, the tar syrup should be added slowly and stirred well to ensure that it is evenly distributed throughout the mixture. Tar halva can be presented on a platter with a dusting of powdered sugar or cocoa powder. It can also be garnished with chopped nuts or dried fruits.

Tips & Tricks

Tar halva can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week. It can also be frozen for up to a month. When serving, it is best to let it come to room temperature before serving.


Tar halva is usually served as a dessert after a meal. It can be served with tea or coffee. It is also delicious with a glass of milk or a scoop of ice cream.

Drink pairings

Tar halva goes well with tea or coffee. It can also be served with a glass of milk or a scoop of ice cream.