Wachauer Marillenknödel


Wachauer Marillenknödel

Wachauer Marillenknödel is a sweet and fruity dessert that is perfect for summer. The dough is made with mashed potatoes, gluten-free flour, and egg, and is wrapped around a whole apricot. The dumplings are then boiled and served with melted butter, gluten-free breadcrumbs, and powdered sugar. The dish is often garnished with fresh mint leaves. Wachauer Marillenknödel is a popular dessert in Austria and is often served at festivals and fairs.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Wachauer Marillenknödel is a traditional Austrian dessert that has been enjoyed for centuries. The dish is named after the Wachau region of Austria, where apricots are grown in abundance. The dessert is often associated with summer and is a symbol of the bounty of the harvest.

Dietary considerations

Wachauer Marillenknödel is suitable for vegetarians. However, it is not suitable for those with nut allergies as it is often garnished with chopped nuts.


There are many variations of Wachauer Marillenknödel, including versions filled with other fruits such as plums or cherries. Some recipes also call for the dumplings to be fried instead of boiled.

Presentation and garnishing

To prevent the dumplings from falling apart during cooking, be sure to seal the edges tightly around the apricot. You can also dust the apricots with a little bit of gluten-free flour before wrapping them in the dough to help absorb any excess moisture. When serving, arrange the dumplings in a neat row on a bed of melted butter and gluten-free breadcrumbs. Dust with powdered sugar and garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Tips & Tricks

When boiling the dumplings, be sure to use a large pot of boiling water and gently stir the dumplings to prevent them from sticking together. If the dough is too sticky, you can add a little bit of flour to the mixture. If the dough is too dry, you can add a little bit of milk or water to the mixture.


Wachauer Marillenknödel is often served with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream. It can also be served with a glass of sweet dessert wine.

Drink pairings

Wachauer Marillenknödel goes well with sweet dessert wines such as Muscat or Riesling. It can also be served with a cup of coffee or tea.