


Cinnamon Stars

Zimtsterne is made with ground almonds, sugar, egg whites, and cinnamon. The mixture is rolled out and cut into star shapes, then baked until lightly golden. The cookie has a delicate almond flavor and a warm cinnamon aroma. It is perfect for those who love spicy and sweet treats.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Zimtsterne originated in Germany and has been a part of German cuisine for centuries. It is often served during the Christmas season and is a symbol of the country's rich culinary heritage.

Dietary considerations

Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, vegan


Some popular variations of Zimtsterne include adding chocolate chips or dipping the cookies in chocolate. Some recipes also call for the addition of cloves or ginger for extra flavor.

Presentation and garnishing

Zimtsterne can be presented on a platter or in a decorative box. It can be garnished with powdered sugar or cinnamon sticks for an extra touch of spice.

Tips & Tricks

To achieve the perfect texture, make sure to use high-quality ground almonds and cinnamon. Also, be careful not to overbake the cookies as they can become too hard and lose their chewy center. If the dough is too sticky, dust your hands with powdered sugar before rolling it out. If the dough is too dry, add a little bit of egg white to moisten it.


Zimtsterne is typically served as a dessert and does not have any traditional side dishes. However, it can be paired with a cup of hot cocoa, mulled wine, or a glass of eggnog for a more festive experience.

Drink pairings

Zimtsterne pairs well with hot cocoa, mulled wine, or a glass of eggnog.