Oriya-style Sweet Pancakes


Oriya-style Sweet Pancakes

Fluffy Delights: Oriya-style Sweet Pancakes with a Tantalizing Twist

Indulge in the flavors of Oriya cuisine with these delightful sweet pancakes. Oriya-style Sweet Pancakes, inspired by the traditional Tatar dish Çäkçäk, are a perfect blend of sweetness and fluffiness that will leave you craving for more.

Jan Dec

15 minutes

20 minutes

35 minutes

4 servings


Vegetarian, Vegan (if honey is substituted with a vegan sweetener), Gluten-free (if using gluten-free flours)


Dairy-free (contains milk), Nut-free (contains nuts)


While the original Tatar dish Çäkçäk is made with a dough consisting of flour, eggs, and honey, the Oriya-style Sweet Pancakes have been adapted to suit the flavors and ingredients of Oriya cuisine. The use of rice flour and jaggery, along with the addition of cardamom powder and grated coconut, gives these pancakes a distinct Oriya twist. The garnish of chopped nuts and honey adds an extra layer of flavor and texture. We alse have the original recipe for Çäkçäk, so you can check it out.


  • Calories (kcal / KJ): 180 kcal / 753 KJ
  • Fat (total, saturated): 3g, 1g
  • Carbohydrates (total, sugars): 35g, 15g
  • Protein: 3g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Salt: 0.1g


  1. 1.
    In a mixing bowl, combine the rice flour, wheat flour, grated jaggery, milk, grated coconut, cardamom powder, and baking soda. Mix well to form a smooth batter.
  2. 2.
    Heat a non-stick pan or griddle over medium heat and lightly grease it with oil or ghee.
  3. 3.
    Pour a ladleful of the batter onto the pan and spread it gently to form a round pancake.
  4. 4.
    Cook the pancake on medium-low heat until bubbles start to form on the surface.
  5. 5.
    Flip the pancake and cook the other side until golden brown.
  6. 6.
    Repeat the process with the remaining batter.
  7. 7.
    Once cooked, transfer the pancakes to a serving plate and garnish with chopped nuts.
  8. 8.
    Drizzle honey over the pancakes for added sweetness.
  9. 9.
    Serve warm and enjoy the Oriya-style Sweet Pancakes.

Treat your ingredients with care...

  • Rice flour — Ensure that the rice flour is finely ground for a smooth batter.
  • Jaggery — If jaggery is not available, you can substitute it with brown sugar or palm sugar.
  • Grated coconut — Freshly grated coconut works best for the authentic flavor, but you can also use desiccated coconut.

Tips & Tricks

  • For extra fluffiness, let the batter rest for 10-15 minutes before cooking the pancakes.
  • Adjust the sweetness by adding more or less jaggery according to your preference.
  • Experiment with different toppings such as grated chocolate or fruit compote for a variation in flavors.
  • Serve the pancakes warm for the best taste and texture.
  • Leftover pancakes can be stored in an airtight container and reheated in a toaster or microwave.

Serving advice

Serve the Oriya-style Sweet Pancakes as a dessert or a sweet breakfast treat. They can be enjoyed on their own or with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an indulgent twist.

Presentation advice

Arrange the pancakes on a plate, stacking them slightly to create height. Drizzle honey generously over the pancakes and sprinkle the chopped nuts on top for an appealing presentation. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint for a pop of color.