


Baby Eels

Angulas is a unique and flavorful dish that is perfect for adventurous eaters. The baby eels are sauteed in olive oil with garlic and chili peppers, which gives them a spicy and slightly sweet flavor. The dish is typically served with crusty bread and a glass of white wine. Angulas is a rare and expensive dish, but it is well worth the cost for those who love seafood.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Angulas has been a staple in Spanish cuisine for centuries. It was originally a peasant dish, made with whatever ingredients were available. Today, it is a popular dish in Spanish restaurants and homes.

Dietary considerations

Gluten-free, dairy-free


There are no variations of Angulas, as the dish is made only with baby eels. However, some cooks add other seafood like shrimp or squid to the dish for extra flavor and texture.

Presentation and garnishing

Angulas is traditionally served in a small clay dish with a slice of lemon on top. The bread is usually served on the side, but you can also add it to the dish. To make the dish look more elegant, you can garnish it with a few fresh herbs or a sprinkle of paprika.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dish more affordable, you can use imitation baby eels or substitute another type of seafood like shrimp or squid. Be sure to cook the eels quickly to avoid overcooking them and making them tough.


Crusty bread

Drink pairings

White wine, such as an Albarino or a Verdejo