


African Polony

Chikanda is made by grinding peanuts into a paste and then mixing the paste with vegetables, such as cassava leaves and onions. The mixture is then shaped into balls and boiled until they are cooked through. Chikanda is typically served hot and can be eaten on its own or with a side of rice.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Chikanda has been a popular dish in Zambia for centuries. It is believed to have originated in the northern region of the country and was traditionally made by the Bemba people. Today, Chikanda is enjoyed throughout Zambia and is often served at traditional festivals and celebrations.

Dietary considerations

Chikanda is a vegetarian dish and is suitable for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. However, it is not suitable for those who have a peanut allergy.


There are many variations of Chikanda that can be found throughout Zambia. Some recipes call for the addition of different vegetables or spices, while others use different types of nuts or seeds.

Presentation and garnishing

Chikanda can be presented on a platter or served individually. It is often garnished with fresh herbs or a sprinkle of ground peanuts.

Tips & Tricks

When making Chikanda, it is important to ensure that the peanut paste is well mixed and that the balls are evenly shaped. This will help to ensure that the Chikanda is cooked through and has a consistent texture.


Chikanda can be served with a variety of side dishes, including nshima, a type of cornmeal porridge, or a simple salad.

Drink pairings

Chikanda pairs well with a variety of drinks, including beer, wine, or a cold glass of water.