Gambas en gabardina


Gambas en gabardina

Shrimp in a Jacket

Gambas en gabardina is made by coating shrimp in a mixture of flour, egg, and beer. The shrimp are then fried until they are crispy and golden brown. The dish is typically served with a side of aioli sauce and a wedge of lemon. The combination of the crunchy shrimp, creamy aioli, and tangy lemon is simply irresistible.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Gambas en gabardina originated in Spain and has been a popular dish in Spanish cuisine for centuries. The dish is often served as an appetizer or a main course and is typically accompanied by a side of bread or potatoes.

Dietary considerations

This dish is high in fat and calories, making it a less healthy option. It is also not suitable for those with shellfish allergies.


There are many variations of gambas en gabardina, including using different types of batter or adding different spices to the dish. Some chefs also like to add a touch of hot sauce to the aioli sauce for an extra kick.

Presentation and garnishing

Gambas en gabardina should be presented on a plate with the shrimp on one side and the aioli sauce and lemon wedge on the other. The dish can be garnished with a sprig of parsley or a slice of lemon for added color and flavor.

Tips & Tricks

When frying the shrimp, be sure to use a high-quality oil that can withstand high temperatures. The batter should be light and crispy, but not too thick. Serve the dish immediately to ensure that it is hot and fresh.


Gambas en gabardina is typically served with a side of bread or potatoes. However, it can also be enjoyed with a simple green salad or a side of roasted vegetables.

Drink pairings

Gambas en gabardina pairs well with a light beer or a refreshing cocktail, such as a margarita or a mojito. It can also be enjoyed with a crisp white wine, such as a Sauvignon Blanc or a Chardonnay.