


Fish Noodle Soup

Hî-ôan is a traditional dish in Vietnam and is often served as a main course. The fish is first steamed with ginger and scallions and then topped with a sauce made from ginger, garlic, fish sauce, and chili peppers. The texture is tender and flaky, with a spicy and savory flavor.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Hî-ôan has its roots in Chinese cuisine and was brought to Vietnam by Chinese immigrants. It has since evolved into a distinct Vietnamese dish.

Dietary considerations

Hî-ôan is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. It is not suitable for those with seafood allergies or who cannot tolerate spicy food.


Hî-ôan can be made with different types of fish, such as catfish or tilapia. The sauce can also be adjusted to be more or less spicy.

Presentation and garnishing

Hî-ôan is often presented on a platter with the sauce drizzled over the fish. It can be garnished with sliced scallions or chopped cilantro.

Tips & Tricks

To enhance the flavor of the fish, it is recommended to let it marinate in the ginger and scallion mixture for at least 30 minutes before steaming.


Hî-ôan is often served with a side of steamed rice or stir-fried vegetables.

Drink pairings

Hî-ôan pairs well with a cold beer or a light white wine.