


Barley soup

Ješprenj is a delicious and filling soup that is made by simmering lamb, vegetables, and spices in a pot until the flavors have melded together. The soup is then served with a side of crusty bread, which is perfect for dipping into the broth. This soup is a great way to warm up on a cold day and is perfect for serving as a main course.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Ješprenj originated in Bosnia and is a traditional dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. The soup is made with simple ingredients that are readily available in Bosnia, such as lamb, onions, and carrots.

Dietary considerations

This dish is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans as it contains lamb. It is also not suitable for those who are allergic to lamb.


There are many variations of Ješprenj, some of which include the addition of beans or potatoes to the soup. Some recipes also call for the use of beef or chicken instead of lamb. Additionally, some versions of the soup include the use of paprika or other spices.

Presentation and garnishing

Ješprenj can be garnished with fresh herbs, such as parsley or thyme. The crusty bread can also be arranged in a decorative pattern on the side of the soup to make it look more visually appealing.

Tips & Tricks

To make the soup even more flavorful, try adding a pinch of cumin or coriander to the soup as it is simmering. This will add a warm and earthy flavor to the dish. Additionally, using homemade broth can add a delicious depth of flavor to the soup.


Ješprenj can be served with a variety of side dishes, such as a fresh green salad or a bowl of rice. The soup is also delicious when served with a side of pickled vegetables or a piece of grilled meat.

Drink pairings

A glass of red wine pairs well with Ješprenj. A full-bodied red wine, such as a Cabernet Sauvignon or a Merlot, complements the rich flavors of the soup.