Kontomire Soup


Kontomire Soup

Taro leaf soup

Kontomire soup is a hearty and flavorful soup that is typically made with beef, goat meat, or fish, along with a variety of vegetables and spices. The soup is thickened with cocoyam leaves, which give it a unique flavor and texture. Some variations of the soup also include ground peanuts or peanut butter for added flavor. Kontomire soup is typically served with a side of fufu or banku, which are starchy staples in Ghanaian cuisine.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Kontomire soup is a traditional Ghanaian dish that is believed to have originated in the Ashanti region of the country. It is a popular dish among the Akan people, and is often served at special occasions such as weddings and festivals.

Dietary considerations

Gluten-free, dairy-free


There are many variations of kontomire soup, with different regions and ethnic groups having their own unique recipes. Some variations include adding okra or tomatoes to the soup, while others use different types of meat or fish.

Presentation and garnishing

Kontomire soup is typically served in a large bowl with the fufu or banku on the side. The soup is garnished with chopped herbs and spices, such as parsley, cilantro, or scallions.

Tips & Tricks

To make the soup even more flavorful, try adding a spoonful of ground peanuts or peanut butter to the pot while it is cooking.


Fufu, banku, kenkey

Drink pairings

Palm wine, beer