Mézes krémes


Mézes krémes

Honey Cream Cake

The puff pastry layers are made with flour, butter, and water. The honey custard cream filling is made with milk, sugar, flour, egg yolks, honey, and butter. The cake is assembled by layering the puff pastry and custard cream, and then topped with a honey glaze. The result is a delicious and decadent cake that is perfect for any occasion.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

The Mézes krémes was first created in Hungary in the early 1900s. It quickly became a favorite in Hungary and is now a staple in Hungarian cuisine.

Dietary considerations

Contains gluten, dairy, and eggs.


There are many variations of the Mézes krémes, including ones with different types of puff pastry or different flavors of custard cream. Some variations also include nuts or fruit in the filling or on top of the cake.

Presentation and garnishing

The cake can be garnished with honeycomb or fresh fruit. It is often served on a cake stand to showcase its layers.

Tips & Tricks

To make the puff pastry extra flaky, be sure to chill the dough before rolling it out.


The Mézes krémes is often served with whipped cream or fresh fruit on the side.

Drink pairings

Pairs well with a sweet dessert wine or a cup of coffee.