Pincho de cangrejo


Pincho de cangrejo

Crab Skewer

Pincho de cangrejo is a dish that is made by mixing crab meat with a variety of spices and then grilling it on a skewer. The spices used in the dish include cumin, paprika, and garlic powder. The dish is typically served with a side of bread or a salad. Pincho de cangrejo is a great dish for those who are looking for a light and healthy meal.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Pincho de cangrejo is a dish that originated in Spain. It is a popular dish in many Spanish restaurants and is often served as an appetizer.

Dietary considerations

Pincho de cangrejo is a gluten-free dish that is also low in fat and calories. It is a great option for those who are looking for a healthy meal.


There are many variations of pincho de cangrejo that can be made. Some people add different spices to the dish, while others add vegetables or other types of seafood.

Presentation and garnishing

Pincho de cangrejo is typically served on a skewer with a variety of garnishes, including lemon wedges and parsley.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dish even more flavorful, try marinating the crab meat in the spices overnight before grilling it.


Pincho de cangrejo is typically served with a side of bread or a salad. Some people also like to serve it with a side of rice or potatoes.

Drink pairings

Pincho de cangrejo pairs well with a variety of drinks, including white wine, beer, and sangria.