


Runeberg Cake

Runebergintorttu is a delicious and moist pastry that is perfect for breakfast or as a snack. The pastry is made with a combination of almonds, breadcrumbs, and raspberry jam, and is often topped with a sweet icing. Runebergintorttu is a traditional Finnish pastry that is named after the Finnish poet Johan Ludvig Runeberg.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Runebergintorttu originated in Finland and is a traditional pastry that is often enjoyed during the winter months. The pastry is named after the Finnish poet Johan Ludvig Runeberg, who is said to have enjoyed the pastry with a glass of punsch.

Dietary considerations



Runebergintorttu can be made with a variety of different jams, such as lingonberry or strawberry. The pastry can also be flavored with spices, such as cardamom or cinnamon.

Presentation and garnishing

Runebergintorttu can be garnished with a sprinkle of powdered sugar or a drizzle of additional raspberry jam. It can also be served with a sprig of fresh mint or a dusting of cinnamon.

Tips & Tricks

When making Runebergintorttu, it is important to use fresh breadcrumbs and ground almonds for the pastry. The pastry should also be allowed to rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before baking to ensure a moist and tender pastry.


Runebergintorttu is often served with a cup of coffee or tea. It can also be served with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Drink pairings

Coffee, tea