San byoke


San byoke

San byoke is a soft and fluffy pancake-like dish that is made by mixing rice flour, coconut milk, and water. The batter is then poured onto a hot griddle and cooked until golden brown. The dish has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor, thanks to the addition of coconut milk. San byoke is typically served with a side of fried fish or vegetables, and is a popular breakfast food in Myanmar. It is also sometimes eaten as a snack or dessert.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

San byoke has been a staple food in Myanmar for centuries. It is believed to have originated in the Shan State, which is located in the eastern part of the country. The dish is often associated with the Shan people, who are one of the largest ethnic groups in Myanmar. San byoke is typically made with rice flour, which is a staple ingredient in Burmese cuisine. Coconut milk is also a common ingredient in many Burmese dishes, and is used to add flavor and richness to the food.

Dietary considerations

Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, vegan


There are many variations of san byoke, some of which include adding sugar or jaggery to the batter to make it sweeter. Some recipes also call for the addition of mashed bananas or grated coconut to the batter.

Presentation and garnishing

San byoke is typically served on a plate with a side of fried fish or vegetables. It can be garnished with fresh herbs or sliced chilies for added flavor and color.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect san byoke, be sure to use fresh coconut milk and rice flour. The batter should be thin enough to pour, but not too runny. Cook the pancakes on a hot griddle until they are golden brown on both sides. Serve immediately with a side of fried fish or vegetables.


Fried fish, fried vegetables

Drink pairings

Tea, coffee, fruit juice