Bacalhau à brás


Bacalhau à brás

Codfish à brás

Bacalhau à brás is made by cooking salt cod with onions and garlic, then adding shredded potatoes and beaten eggs. The dish is seasoned with parsley and black olives, and is often served with a side of salad or vegetables. Bacalhau à brás is a filling and nutritious meal that is perfect for any time of day.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Bacalhau à brás is a traditional dish that originated in Portugal. It is a staple food in many Portuguese households and is often served at special occasions such as Christmas and Easter. The dish has a long history and is an important part of the culture in the region.

Dietary considerations

Bacalhau à brás is a gluten-free and dairy-free dish that is suitable for people with these dietary restrictions. However, it is not suitable for people with fish allergies.


There are many variations of Bacalhau à brás, with different vegetables and spices used depending on the region. Some variations also use different types of fish or meat instead of salt cod. Vegetarian versions of the dish are also available.

Presentation and garnishing

Bacalhau à brás is often served in a large communal dish with the salt cod and potatoes arranged in the center and the eggs and vegetables arranged around the edges. The dish is often garnished with black olives and parsley.

Tips & Tricks

To make Bacalhau à brás, it is important to use high-quality salt cod and to soak it in water for at least 24 hours before cooking. It is also important to cook the potatoes until they are tender but not mushy, and to beat the eggs until they are light and fluffy.


Bacalhau à brás is often served with a side of salad or vegetables. It can also be served with a side of rice or bread.

Drink pairings

Bacalhau à brás pairs well with a variety of drinks such as beer, wine, or fruit juice. In Portugal, it is often served with a glass of vinho verde, which is a young and refreshing wine.