Bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa


Bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa

Thick noodle soup with clams and coconut water

Bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa is a delicious and satisfying soup that is perfect for those who love creamy and flavorful broths. The soup is made by simmering a variety of clams and other seafood in a coconut milk-based broth, which is then combined with tapioca noodles. The result is a creamy and flavorful soup that is perfect for any occasion. Bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa is also known for its health benefits, as it is low in fat and calories, and is packed with vitamins and minerals.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa is a traditional Vietnamese soup that is believed to have originated in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. The soup is made with a coconut milk-based broth, which is a common ingredient in many Vietnamese dishes. Over time, the recipe evolved to include a variety of clams and other seafood, and is now enjoyed throughout Vietnam and other parts of the world.

Dietary considerations

Bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa is typically not suitable for those with shellfish allergies, as it is often made with clams and other types of seafood. It is also not suitable for those who are sensitive to spicy foods.


There are many variations of bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa, depending on the region and the cook. Some variations may include additional ingredients, such as lemongrass or chili peppers. Others may be made with different types of seafood. Regardless of the variation, bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa is always known for its creamy and flavorful broth.

Presentation and garnishing

Bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa is typically served in a large bowl, with the clams and other seafood arranged on top of the noodles. The soup is garnished with fresh herbs, such as cilantro or Thai basil, and may be served with a wedge of lime on the side.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa, it is important to use fresh ingredients and to balance the flavors of the soup. The soup should be creamy and flavorful, with a hint of sweetness. It is also important to simmer the soup for a sufficient amount of time, to allow the flavors to meld together.


Bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa is typically served with a side of bean sprouts and lime wedges, which can be added to the soup to enhance the flavors. It may also be accompanied by a variety of side dishes, such as spring rolls or stir-fried vegetables.

Drink pairings

Bánh canh hến nước cốt dừa pairs well with a variety of drinks, including beer, white wine, and herbal tea. The creamy and flavorful broth of the soup is complemented by the crispness of the beer or the acidity of the wine.