Bún bò Huế


Bún bò Huế

Spicy beef noodle soup

Bún bò Huế is a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for lunch or dinner. The broth is made from beef bones, lemongrass, chili peppers, and shrimp paste, and is simmered for several hours to develop a rich and complex flavor. The noodles are thin and chewy, and the toppings add a nice crunch and texture to the dish. Bún bò Huế is often served with fresh herbs, such as mint and cilantro, and a side of bean sprouts and lime wedges.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Bún bò Huế originated in the city of Huế in central Vietnam, which was the imperial capital of Vietnam during the Nguyen Dynasty (1802-1945). The dish was traditionally served to the royal family and the nobility, but it has since become a popular street food throughout Vietnam.

Dietary considerations

Bún bò Huế is typically not suitable for vegetarians or vegans, as it contains beef and shrimp paste. However, some versions may use vegetable broth instead of beef broth. The dish is also gluten-free, as it is made with rice noodles.


There are many variations of Bún bò Huế, depending on the region and the cook. Some versions may include additional spices, such as star anise or cinnamon, to give the broth a deeper flavor. Some versions may also include additional toppings, such as sliced beef shank or pork hock.

Presentation and garnishing

Bún bò Huế is typically served in a large bowl with the noodles and toppings arranged neatly on top. The broth is served on the side in a separate bowl. The dish is often garnished with sliced onions, cilantro, and lime wedges. Chili flakes and fish sauce are also served on the side for added flavor.

Tips & Tricks

To make the broth more flavorful, simmer it for several hours and add additional spices and herbs. To make the noodles chewier, soak them in cold water for a few minutes before serving. For a spicier version, add more chili peppers to the broth.


Bún bò Huế is often served with a side of fresh herbs, such as mint and cilantro, which add a refreshing flavor to the dish. It can also be served with a side of bean sprouts and lime wedges, which help to balance out the spiciness of the broth.

Drink pairings

Bún bò Huế pairs well with a cold glass of beer or a refreshing lime soda. It can also be paired with a hot cup of Vietnamese coffee, which is strong and sweet.