Biscotti del Lagaccio


Biscotti del Lagaccio

Biscotti del Lagaccio is a delicious and satisfying cookie that is perfect for any occasion. It is typically served with a cup of coffee or tea, and can be enjoyed as a snack or dessert. The cookies are crunchy and sweet, with a nutty flavor from the almonds. They are also easy to make, and can be customized with different types of nuts or flavorings.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Biscotti del Lagaccio is a traditional Italian cookie that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is believed to have originated in the town of Genoa, where it was a popular snack for sailors and fishermen. Today, it is enjoyed throughout Italy and around the world.

Dietary considerations

Biscotti del Lagaccio is a vegetarian dish, but it is not suitable for those who are vegan or gluten-free, as it contains eggs and wheat flour. It is also high in calories and sugar, so it should be enjoyed in moderation.


There are many variations of biscotti, depending on the region and the cook. Some recipes call for the addition of chocolate or other flavorings, while others use different types of nuts or dried fruits. Some versions are dipped in chocolate or other coatings, while others are left plain.

Presentation and garnishing

Biscotti del Lagaccio is typically served on a plate or platter, with the cookies arranged in an attractive and appetizing manner. They can be garnished with a dusting of powdered sugar or a drizzle of chocolate for added flavor and visual appeal.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect biscotti, be sure to bake them twice for the characteristic crunchiness. Also, be sure to use high-quality ingredients, such as fresh almonds and eggs, for the best flavor.


Biscotti del Lagaccio can be served with a variety of side dishes, such as fresh fruit or cheese. It is also commonly served with a cup of coffee or tea.

Drink pairings

Biscotti del Lagaccio pairs well with a variety of drinks, including coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. It is also delicious with a glass of milk or a sweet dessert wine.