Chè hạt sen


Chè hạt sen

Lotus seed pudding

Chè hạt sen is a sweet and creamy dessert that is perfect for hot summer days. The lotus seeds are cooked until soft and then blended with coconut milk and sugar. The mixture is then simmered until thick and creamy. The dessert is typically served cold with a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds on top.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Chè hạt sen originated in Vietnam and has been a popular dessert for centuries. It is typically served during special occasions such as weddings and festivals.

Dietary considerations

Gluten-free and vegan options are available by using alternative sweeteners and coconut milk substitutes.


Variations of chè hạt sen include adding other ingredients such as tapioca pearls or fruit such as mango or lychee.

Presentation and garnishing

Chè hạt sen is typically served in a small bowl or glass. Garnish with toasted sesame seeds or fresh mint leaves.

Tips & Tricks

To save time, use canned lotus seeds instead of cooking them from scratch.


Chè hạt sen is typically served on its own as a dessert.

Drink pairings

A cup of Vietnamese coffee or a glass of iced tea pairs well with chè hạt sen.