Insalata di carciofi e bottarga


Insalata di carciofi e bottarga

Insalata di carciofi e bottarga is made with fresh artichokes that are thinly sliced and mixed with lemon juice, olive oil, and salt. The salad is then topped with grated bottarga, which is a type of cured fish roe that is commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine. The dish is usually served cold and can be garnished with fresh herbs such as parsley or basil. Insalata di carciofi e bottarga is a healthy and nutritious dish that is rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Insalata di carciofi e bottarga is a traditional Italian dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. The dish is known for its simple and fresh flavors, which make it a popular choice for a light lunch or as a side dish.

Dietary considerations

Gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carb, high-fiber


There are many variations of Insalata di carciofi e bottarga, which can include different types of vegetables or seafood. Some recipes also call for the addition of capers or olives to give the salad a salty and tangy flavor.

Presentation and garnishing

Insalata di carciofi e bottarga can be presented in a variety of ways, such as on a bed of lettuce or in a shallow bowl. It can be garnished with fresh herbs, lemon wedges, or a drizzle of olive oil. The dish should be served cold to enhance its fresh and tangy flavors.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure the freshness of the artichokes, it is important to buy them from a reputable source. The bottarga should be grated finely to ensure that it is evenly distributed throughout the salad. The salad can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator until ready to serve.


Insalata di carciofi e bottarga can be served as a side dish with grilled fish or meat. It can also be served as a main course with a side of bread or pasta.

Drink pairings

White wine or sparkling water