Moravska salata


Moravska salata

Moravian Salad

Moravska salata is a simple and delicious salad that is made with boiled potatoes, carrots, and pickles. The vegetables are then mixed with a dressing made with mayonnaise, mustard, and vinegar. The salad is then garnished with hard-boiled eggs and parsley. The dish is high in carbohydrates and protein, making it a great choice for those who need a lot of energy.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Moravska salata originated in the Moravia region of the Czech Republic. It is a popular dish in the country and is often served as a side dish with meat dishes.

Dietary considerations

Vegetarian, Gluten-free


There are many variations of Moravska salata, some of which include the addition of peas or ham.

Presentation and garnishing

Moravska salata should be presented in a deep bowl or plate. Garnish with hard-boiled eggs and parsley.

Tips & Tricks

Boil the potatoes and carrots until they are just tender. Overcooking will result in a mushy salad.


Moravska salata can be served as a side dish or as a main course. It pairs well with grilled or roasted meat.

Drink pairings

Beer or white wine