Putu mayam


Putu mayam

String Hoppers

Putu mayam is a popular dish in Malaysia, especially in the southern regions of the country. The noodles are usually made with rice flour and are steamed in a special container to give them a unique shape. The dish is usually served with a variety of toppings such as grated coconut and palm sugar.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Putu mayam originated in southern India and was brought to Malaysia by Indian immigrants. The dish has since become a popular dish in Malaysia and is often served during festivals and special occasions.

Dietary considerations

Putu mayam is suitable for those who are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease as it is made with rice flour. It is also suitable for vegetarians and vegans as it does not contain any meat or fish.


There are many variations of putu mayam, including putu piring (a sweet version of putu mayam) and putu bambu (a version of putu mayam that is served in bamboo tubes).

Presentation and garnishing

Putu mayam is usually served on a banana leaf with the toppings arranged neatly on top of the noodles. The dish is garnished with pandan leaves and other toppings.

Tips & Tricks

To enjoy putu mayam, it is important to mix the noodles and toppings together before eating to ensure that the flavors are evenly distributed.


Putu mayam is usually served with a variety of side dishes such as curry and chutney.

Drink pairings

Putu mayam is usually paired with tea or coffee.