Ras malai


Ras malai

The cheese balls are made from chenna, which is curdled milk that is drained and kneaded until it forms a smooth dough. The dough is then rolled into small balls and cooked in a sugar syrup until they are soft and spongy. The balls are then soaked in a thickened milk mixture flavored with cardamom and saffron. Ras malai is a rich and creamy dessert that is perfect for special occasions.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Ras malai originated in the eastern part of India, specifically in the state of West Bengal. It is believed to have been created in the 19th century by a famous Bengali chef named Nobin Chandra Das.

Dietary considerations

Ras malai is not suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products.


There are many variations of ras malai, including a version made with condensed milk instead of chenna. Some recipes also call for the addition of nuts or rose water.

Presentation and garnishing

Ras malai is typically served in a small bowl or dish, garnished with chopped nuts and a sprinkle of saffron.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect ras malai, be sure to knead the chenna dough until it is smooth and free of lumps. Also, be sure to cook the cheese balls in the sugar syrup until they are soft and spongy, but not overcooked or they will become tough.


Ras malai is often served with a side of chopped nuts, such as pistachios or almonds.

Drink pairings

Ras malai pairs well with a cup of hot chai tea or a glass of sweet lassi.