Svrljiški belmuž


Svrljiški belmuž

Svrljiški belmuž is made by boiling potatoes until they are soft, and then mashing them with cheese, eggs, and other seasonings. The mixture is then baked in the oven until it is golden brown and crispy on top. This dish is typically served hot, and can be enjoyed as a main course or a side dish.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Svrljiški belmuž is a traditional Serbian dish that has been enjoyed for generations. It originated in the Svrljig region of Serbia and is now a popular dish throughout the country.

Dietary considerations

This dish is suitable for vegetarians, but not for vegans or those following a gluten-free diet. It is also high in calories and fat, so it should be enjoyed in moderation.


There are many variations of Svrljiški belmuž, including those made with different types of cheese or additional ingredients such as onions or bacon. Some recipes also call for the addition of sour cream or yogurt to the mixture.

Presentation and garnishing

When making Svrljiški belmuž, be sure to use high-quality cheese and fresh eggs for the best results. You can also experiment with different seasonings to create your own unique flavor profile. The dish can be garnished with fresh herbs such as parsley or chives, or with a sprinkle of paprika. It is typically served in a baking dish or casserole dish and can be cut into individual portions for serving.


Svrljiški belmuž can be served with roasted vegetables or a simple green salad. It is also delicious when served with a glass of red wine.

Drink pairings

Red wine is a great pairing for Svrljiški belmuž.